Archived Agenda

Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee

Buddy Meetze
Susan Brill
Bernice Scott, Chair
Greg Pearce
Thelma Tillis
District 1
District 9
District 10
District 6
District 3

Tuesday, April 25, 2000, 5:00 PM
Richland County Council Chambers
County Administration Building
2020 Hampton Street

Call To Order

Approval of Minutes - March 28: Regular Session Meeting - (Pages 2-5)

Adoption of Agenda

Items for Action

A. Budget Amendment for the Atlas Road Sewer Project - (Pages 6-7)

Items for Information / Discussion

A. Increase in tipping fee at Richland County Landfill - (Pages 8)

B. Amendment to the Richland County Zoning Ordinance

C. Water / Sewer Work Session

Items Pending Analysis

A. Report on Genesis Cable Company

B. Broad River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade - (Pages 9-10)


Staffed by Ash Miller

MARCH 28, 2000
5:00 p.m.

Present: Bernice Scott, Chair; Buddy Meetze; Susan Brill; Greg Pearce, Thelma Tillis

Others Present: Steve Morris, Paul Livingston, James Tuten, Joseph McEachern, Tony Mizzell, Tonya Dunham, Michielle Cannon-Finch, T. Cary McSwain, Mullen Taylor, Marsheika Martin, Milton Pope, Tony McDonald, Chief Harrell, Rodolfo Caldwell, Ralph Pearson, Michael Byrd, Larry Smith, Sherry Wright, Andy Metts, Judy Carter

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:10 p.m.

Approval of Minutes - February 22: Regular Session Meeting

Mr. Pearce moved, seconded by Mr. Meetze, to approve the minutes. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Adoption of Agenda

Mr. Meetze requested to add the impact of City of Columbia closing the C&D Landfill for discussion. Ms. Scott stated this item would be added as item-E under Information/Discussion.

Mr. Ash Miller requested to add to the agenda a report on from Central Midlands of Government on transportation issues. Ms. Scott stated this would be placed as item-F under Information/Discussion.

Mr. Pearce moved, seconded by Mr. Meetze, to adopt the agenda as amended. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Items for Action

Amendment to the Richland County Zoning Ordinance

Mr. Randy Jorgenson, Planning Department, stated the amendment to the ordinance is to clear up the language of the existing ordinance by deleting certain sections.

Mr. Pearce moved, seconded by Mr. Meetze, to approve this item and forward to full Council. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Mr. McSwain stated staff would provide Council with information on the effects the changes would have.

Acceptance of Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant

Mr. Pearce moved, seconded by Mr. Meetze, to approve acceptance of Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant of $2,248.00 distributed through the S.C. Emergency Preparedness Division. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee
March 28, 2000
Page Two

Purchase of five "brush trucks" for fire service

Mr. McSwain stated these are replacement trucks.

Mr. Meetze moved, seconded by Mr. Pearce, to approve the purchase of five pick-up trucks from Benson Chrysler-Plymouth-Dodge in the amount of $125,440.00. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Purchase of 800 MHz Motorola radio equipment for Emergency Services, EMS, and fire service

Mr. McSwain stated these are replacement radios.

Chief Harrell and Michael Byrd will inform Council of the type of frequencies each department is using, whether they are 821s or 806s, and how many of each.

Mr. Pearce moved, seconded by Ms. Tillis, to approve the purchase of Motorola radio equipment in the amount of $184,085.80. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Purchase of recorders for Emergency Services' communications centers

Mr. McSwain stated this is replacement equipment, purchased through the County to be placed on the system operated by the City.

Ms. Brill moved, seconded by Mr. Pearce, to approve the purchase of recorders which would be placed in the 911 communication centers. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Conveyance of water lines on Maingate Drive to the City of Columbia

Mr. McSwain stated this is a relocation of a water line that the County would deed over to the City once the contract is complete.

Ms. Brill moved, seconded by Mr. Pearce, to consider a deed conveying water lines on Maingate Drive to the City of Columbia. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Award of County Resurfacing Contract to Rea Construction Company

Mr. McSwain stated this is an annual County resurfacing project. He stated the project includes approximately 61 street segments totaling 12.2 miles.

Ms. Tillis moved, seconded by Ms. Brill to approve this item. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Ms. Scott questioned easement acquisitions for Thompson Road. Mr. Tony McDonald, Assistant County Administrator, stated easement acquisitions were complete.

Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee
March 28, 2000
Page Three

Items for Information/Discussion

Report on Genesis Cable Company

Mr. Milton Pope, Assistant County Administrator, stated that he met with representatives from Genesis Cable Company in reference to problems in the Northeast area of Richland County. He stated a homeowner's meeting is scheduled for April 17 at Summit Parkway Library at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Ray Lark, a legal representative, will be reviewing the franchise agreement. A certified letter will be sent to Mr. Bob Campbell.

Ms. Scott instructed staff to make sure Council receives notification.

Improved standards for previously occupied manufactured homes relocating into Richland County

Mr. Pope stated this is follow-up information from the Council retreat. He stated that the Manufactured Housing Institute was contacted and they are neutral on the issue of prohibiting pre-1976 manufactured homes because those units do not have the HUD code standards.

Mr. Meetze stated this item needed to go before the Planning Commission.

Review of sewer needs in the Riverside Forest and Broad River Heights neighborhoods

Mr. Livingston urged Council to take the sewer problem seriously. He stated that he and Mr. Tuten have been looking at these two neighborhoods in reference to sewer problems and nothing has been done as of yet. He requested administration to come up with recommendations for septic problems, drainage problems, raw sewage, etc.

Mr. McSwain updated Council on where the County stands with this item. He stated that cost for the River Heights sewer problem would be approximately 1.4 million dollars.

Mr. Rickman, resident of Riverside Forest, spoke regarding this issue. He stated residents would have to pay up to $5,000.00 to repair sewer problems. He reported that the residents have been polled and the majority is in favor of carrying the financial burden.

Mr. Tuten requested Mr. McSwain to bring back a report on what the City will do.

Mr. McSwain stated he would set a date for a work session sometime in the near future.

Funding strategy for improvements to the Township

This item was forwarded to the next Development and Services meeting in April.

Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee
March 28, 2000
Page Four

Impact of C&D Landfill

Mr. Meetze requested staff to find out if the City of Columbia intends on using the County's landfill this summer, if they are using it now, if they are paying for it and what type of agreement the County have with them.

Mr. Larry Smith, County Attorney stated an agreement was signed in 1973 to provide space for the City of Columbia with an addendum to provide for a termination clause where either party can terminate the agreement with a six months notice. His office is reviewing the agreement and the addendum and providing legal options to the County.

Mr. Meetze requested legal guidance and for staff to look into the possibility of charging the City for the past 30 years.

Mr. Pearce recommended staff to explore options before going to the City.

Report of COGs Transportation

Mr. McSwain stated that he contacted COG and needs to know when Council would like to have an overview.

The Committee recommended for COG to make a presentation sometime in April.

Items Pending Analysis

There are currently no items pending analysis


The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Submitted by,

Bernice G. Scott

The minutes were transcribed by Marsheika G. Martin

Richland County Council Request of Action

Subject: Atlas Road Sewer Project

A. Purpose
County Council is requested to approve a budget amendment, in the amount of $48,900, for the purpose of local cash match for the Atlas Road Sewer Project.

B. Background / Discussion
At the December 1, 1998 meeting, Council approved a commitment of $50,000 in matching funds for the CDBG application for the Atlas Road Sewer Project submitted in February 1999. In October 1999, the project was funded. After completing grant startup requirements, the project is currently underway and incurring expenses.

The City is participating in this project by waiving tap fees for eligible households and the amount needed for the local cash match is $48,900.

C. Financial Impact
The matching funds would be used in the construction of the sewer facilities. The funds would come from the Fund Balance Account.

D. Alternatives

1. Do not provide the cash match, causing Richland County to not meet the requirements of the grant award agreement.
2. Provide the cash match in order to complete the project.

E. Recommendation
It is recommended that Council approve the cash match.

Recommended by: Sherry Wright Department: Administration Date: 4/7/00

F. Approvals

Approved by: Bradley Farrar Date: 4/10/00

Approved by: Tonya Dunham Date: 4/10/00
Comments: Because County Council approved the appropriation of this match in December 1998, a proviso should have been prepared to carry these match funds forward to the 99/00 fiscal year. Due to an oversight, the proviso was not prepared and as a result, the match funds were not carried forward. Thus, Council approval is needed to appropriate the funds in the 99/00 fiscal year.

Approved by: Rodolfo A. Callwood Date: 4/10/00

Approved by: Sherry Wright Date: 4/7/00

Approved by: Tony McDonald Date: 4/11/00
Comments: Recommend approval of appropriating $48,900 from Fund Balance for the Atlas Road Sewer Project. These funds were set aside by the Council during a previous fiscal year for this purpose and should have been carried forward to the current year.

Richland County Council Request of Action

(Pending Analysis)

Subject: Tipping Fee at the County Landfill

A. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to ask County Council to approve an increase in the tipping fee at the Richland County C&D Landfill from $18.50 per ton to $22.00 per ton.

B. Background/Discussion
As Council is aware, the Richland County C&D Landfill is rapidly running out of space. This increase in revenue will more accurately represent the operating costs of the Richland County C&D Landfill. At the present time other C&D landfills in the area charge the following tipping fees:

Lexington County $22.00 per ton
Waste Management $17.00 per ton
Loveless & Loveless $15.00 per ton

C. Financial Impact
In FY 98-99, we had approximately 22,700 tons of commercial waste delivered to the landfill. Based on this figure, the requested rate would increase revenue by approximately $78,900.

Richland County Council Request of Action

(Pending Analysis)

Subject: Broad River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

A. Purpose
To seek County Council's approval to proceed with upgrade plans for the Broad River Regional wastewater treatment plant (BRR WWTP).

B. Background
The BRR WWTP is currently permitted to treat 2.5 million gallons per day (mgd) by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). We currently experience peak flow rates of approximately 2 mgd or 80% of our permitted capacity. When the actual discharge rate from a treatment facility reaches eighty percent (80%) of it's permitted capacity, DHEC requires that upgrade plans be prepared to accommodate future flows.

In addition to the above, the Broad River has a finite capacity for accepting discharge waters from wastewater treatment facilities. Therefore, each request for upgrades by existing facilities that discharge into the river adversely affects the discharge limits of all the other treatment facilities along the river. Currently, the Town of Chapin, the East Richland County Public Service District and our proposed upgrade have been evaluated by DHEC and new discharge limits have been issued for all existing discharges along Broad River. The process currently used by the BRR WWTP cannot consistently meet these new limits and therefore will require an upgrade.

We have contracted with Power Engineering Company to evaluate our present and future capacity needs. They have developed a plan that utilizes various components of our existing facility and incorporates the latest technology into a design that can be expanded in the future. Their design expands the facility from 2.5 mgd to a 6 mgd plant and converts the process from an aerated lagoon to activated sludge. The activated sludge process is the most commonly used process for larger facilities.

C. Financial Impact
The engineer's estimated upgrade cost is $9,800,000. This equates to approximately a $1.63 per gallon construction cost. The industry's going rate is near $4.25 per gallon. By utilizing existing structures, we anticipate a total investment of approximately $1.93 per gallon construction cost in a state-of-the-art treatment facility.

Construction funds are available through the State Revolving Fund (SRF). The current interest rate is 3.5% through June 30, 2000. If the project is financed for a twenty (20) year period, there will be an additional debt service payment of approximately $689,540 annually. Provided development remains consistent as it has for the past five years, the total upgrade cost can be covered by existing revenues from the system and future customers who connect to the system with NO INCREASE in tap fees or user fees.

The Broad River Regional sewer system is established as an Enterprise Fund and is self-supporting. NO TAX DOLLARS are used to support this system.